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end                      Signals Close of Compound, CASE Statements, Records

 begin                        { Close of compound statement }

 case <exp> of                { Close of CASE statement }
   <clist> : <statement>;
   <clist> : <statement>
   else      <statement>

 <name> = record              { Close of record definition }
   <field decls>

    The word END marks the end of a compound statement (which starts with
    BEGIN). Since the main body of a program or subprogram (procedure or
    function) is just a compound statement followed (respectively) by a
    period or semicolon, every program and subprogram ends with END.

    CASE statements and record definitions also end with END.

        <statement>   Any legal statement, including a compound statement.

              <exp>   Any ordinal expression.

            <clist>   Any list of ordinal values.

             <name>   Identifier for record type.

      <field decls>   Field declarations for record.

See Also: begin case program procedure function
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